“Rolling Hills of Hues”
The thrills that come with these rolling hills of hues during an afternoon where the sun remains absent and yet the echoes of its warmth emanate with peace became the memory I’d keep close for more than a little while. I’d climb to reach a summit view that few would afford the time of day for. And this site would play in my mind forever more as I would wonder what else these fall colors bring. From the surreal detail of trees closest to me, these treasures of autumn would have me in a gaze that seemed to dismiss space and time altogether. And it would prove best not to forget the silhouette of mountains dancing with the horizon that had no defining ending- for there could only be more on the other side. Each inhale of the brisk air followed with an exhale of intention to harmonize with the heartbeat inside me. And then it became clear that I was nowhere else but here- so far away from yesterday with no expectations for tomorrow. And these were the thrills that come with these rolling hills of hues during an afternoon where the sun remains absent and yet the echoes of its warmth emanate with peace to become the memory I’d keep close for more than a little while.
© ISO Splash - Ramon Nayar. All Rights Reserved. Ramon is an Asian-American, cause-driven artist whose form of storytelling is done through digital photography and creative writing. Do these images inspire or add to your day? If so, do make them ‘share-worthy’ to lift up others. Like us on FB:www.facebook.com/ISOsplash