There was a mixed myriad of expressions coming from personalities with a common thread of courage to stand up against cancer this day. Other common denominators included grace, lifted spirits, compassion, and a zest for life that many of us take for granted. Volunteering time for this wonderful cause has a ripple effect of being reminded of how each and every day is, in fact, a gift. The inner child in me was able to serve as the anchor towards establishing enough rapport to just celebrate these children with a heart beating strongly for remission if not for a cure. And to the families who are tasked with setting their own tears aside and trying their very best to live a "normal life" despite the trials and tribulations that this harsh reality brings- thank you for showing us a side of humanity that can be so starved of what you bring each and every day- and that is an unconditional love for others. This "summary slide" of that day barely scratches the surface for what each of those children and families of those children held inside their hearts- inspiration in different dimensions. There is a newfound drive to revel in an atmosphere of hope. There is a wanting to tell others about how incredible this experience is and to invite others to share in this experience. There is a yearning to keep the well wishes for these children and their families close to our hearts. And, there is a unwavering hope to take this astronomical amount of courage these children emanate and convert that strength into finding a cure. For more information about this wonderful organization, please visit http://www.FlashesOfHope.org
© ISO Splash - Ramon Nayar. All Rights Reserved. Ramon is an Asian-American, cause-driven artist whose form of storytelling is done through digital photography and creative writing. Do these images inspire or add to your day? If so, do make them ‘share-worthy’ to lift up others. Like us on FB:www.facebook.com/ISOsplash